delphinium parishii

Wildflower Show at Jacumba

Photos and Description by Craig Denson, Moderator CNPS-San Diego Discussion Group

Recently, I took a morning walk in the high desert near Jacumba, where only bored maskless U.S. border patrol agents were around. It was a great day, one day before the temperatures started skyrocketing. I was looking for Hoover's Buckwheat (Eriogonum clavatum), which I didn't find, but I did find many other interesting species, and many first sightings of plant species for me.

Craig at Sierra Nevada.jpg

Bio: I was born in San Diego, growing up on Crown Point when there were still horny toads crawling around on vacant lots, and then in Encinitas where I spent many days crawling around in coastal sage scrub. Those experiences led me later in life to a better appreciation of our local flora, so, just before I retired from embedded software development, I took Mike Simpson's Field Botany class. I've also gotten involved with the rangers at Tecolote Canyon in propagating locally source plants for their restoration efforts. I like photographing and entering plant observations on iNaturalist, although I'm still a rookie at that, too.