Held the third Tuesday of every month, chapter meetings are open to the public; there is no charge. Come early and browse our books. Stay after the program for conversation and refreshments. We meet in the heart of San Diego, in Balboa Park, in Casa Del Prado, Room 101. Casa Del Prado can be reached by car from Village Place off of Park Boulevard (served by the #7 bus), and is across from the west entrance of the San Diego Natural History Museum. The meeting room is handicapped accessible. 

We usually carry a small selection of native plants at our monthly meetings. New members who sign up at the meeting will receive a free plant (if available)

7:00 pm: A time for discussion, camaraderie, visiting, and enjoying the sales table.

7:30 pm: Featured presentation

There are no fees to attend these presentations.

More details…

Map showing location of Casa Del Prado Room 101