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Algodones Dunes Day Trip - Imperial County

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PLANT KNOWLEDGE: Beginner to Novice, Professionals always welcome
ACCESS: Open to all, no charge

Algodones Dunes is best known for the OHV Ride Area Glamis in Eastern Imperial County. As one travels east along the 78 from Brawley, the dunes are unmistakable for the huge mounding ribbons of sand they form on the horizon. On one side of the highway (the more traveled side) the occasional creosote bush pops out among a blasted and barren environment, crossed with thousands of tire tracks beating down any life that isn't moving at break neck speed. On the other side of the highway to the north is the BLM Wilderness Area that is protected from vehicles and campers. This area is thriving with desert iguanas, flat tailed horned lizards, banded geckos, western whiptails, a wide variety of snakes, and raptors aplenty. Of course, these species rely on the butterflies, crickets, scorpions, spiders, moths, beetles, etc for survival. In turn, these pillars of the food web are here because of the rare, dune specialized plants and wide array of forage on leaves, nectar, and roots.

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