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Escondido Creek - Elfin Forest to Olivenhain Overlook

DIFFICULTY: Moderate to Hard (Steep Terrain) 4 miles
PLANT KNOWLEDGE: Beginner to Expert. Professionals always welcome!
ACCESS: Free to All, No charge. Donations to the Escondido Creek Conservancy provide valuable support for local native lands.

This pocket of San Diego County is known locally for it's extraordinary beauty and history. If the Difficulty didn't already scare you off, the dangers are wildfire, rattlesnakes, falls, the vapors, mountain lions, and definitely poison oak. Only a few of those issues should be any concern this time, since we'll be headed up the trail in the San Diego winter (or summer-lite depending on where you are from). The area has a unique history, from the once thriving Harmony Grove spiritual center not far east to the Olivenhain Dam [built 20 years ago] and the ever expanding footprint of San Marcos and Escondido.

I picked this location because late January is the blooming period for Mission Manzanita (Xylococcus bicolor), White coast ceanothus (Ceanothus veroccosus), Southern mtn misery (Chamaebatia australis) [Keir found one in 2013], and White currant (Ribes indecorum). Comarostaphylis diversifolia is also found along the way if we take a very quick detour off the main trail onto the loop trail. Encinitas baccharis (Baccharis vanessae) has been sighted near the top so we'll look for it if there is enough time.

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